8 Channels, 16-Bit, SPI Interface, Voltage-Output DAC
SGM5349 SGM5349.pdf



● Low Power, Small Footprint, Pin-Compatible, 8 Channels, 

   16-Bit DAC

● Power Down to 1μA at 5.5V

● 2.7V to 5.5V Power Supply

● Monotonicity Guaranteed by Design

● Power-On Reset to Zero Scale

● 3 Power-Down Functions

● Hardware LDAC and LDAC Override Function

● CLR Function to Programmable Code

● Rail-to-Rail Buffered Voltage-Output Operation

● Selectable 1.8V Bus Voltage Support Version can be Provided 

   by Request

● Available in Green TSSOP-16 and TQFN-4×4-16L Packages


The SGM5349A-16 is a low power, 8 channels, 16-bit, buffered voltage-output DAC. It operates from a single 2.7V to 5.5V supply and the monotonicity is guaranteed by design. The SGM5349A-16 has no internal voltage reference, and the full-scale output range is VREF.

The part incorporates a power-on reset circuit that ensures that the DAC output powers up to 0V and remains powered up at this level until a valid write takes place. The part contains a power-down feature that reduces the current consumption of the device to 1μA at 5.5V and provides software-selectable output loads while in power-down mode for any or all DAC channels. The outputs can be updated simultaneously using the LDAC function, with the added functionality of user- selectable DAC channels to simultaneously update. There is also an asynchronous CLR that updates DAC to a user-programmable code: zero scale, midscale, or full scale.
