Microprocessor Supervisory Circuit with Programmable Delay Time
SGM836 SGM836.pdf



 Adjustable Reset Timeout Period: 1.25ms to 10s

• Low Quiescent Current: 0.6μA (TYP)

 High Threshold Accuracy: 1% (TYP)

 Factory-Set Detection Voltages: 0.9V to 5V

 Adjustable Detection Voltage Down to 0.4V

 Manual Reset (nMR) Input

 Open-Drain nRESET Output

 Available in Green SOT-23-6 and TDFN-2×2-6AL Packages


The SGM836 family can monitor system voltages from 0.4V to 5V. When the detection voltage falls below the preset threshold (VITL) or the manual reset (nMR) pin is driven low, the open-drain nRESET output is asserted. After the detection voltage and nMR voltage return higher than their respective thresholds, the nRESET output remains low within the user-adjustable delay time. 

The SGM836 uses a precision reference to achieve 1% threshold accuracy. The fixed reset timeout period can be set to 20ms by leaving the CT pin open and can be set to 300ms by connecting the CT pin to VDD through a resistor. The programmable reset timeout period can be set from 1.25ms to 10s through an external capacitor connected to the CT pin. Low quiescent current makes the SGM836 very suitable for battery-powered applications. 

The SGM836 is available in Green SOT-23-6 and TDFN-2×2-6AL packages. 
